Chameleons refusing to eat silkworms


New Member
My two chams have about 15-20 silkworms in their bowls but aren't eating them. Any reccomemdations as to get them to eat.
Do they normally eat out of the bowl?

I've heard that hornworms are a great way to stimulate chams to eat...
My jax is the only cham I have who will not eat a silkie, or any other worm.
All my other guys love them.
I think they are not active and move enough to attract my jax attention.
Also, if the worm is too big, my smaller chams will go into 'defensive mode', puffing up and gapping at it :rolleyes:
My chameleon will not eat silks right now either! He did before, now just stares at them. I don't know what his problem is!!
My chameleon will not eat silks right now either! He did before, now just stares at them. I don't know what his problem is!!

One of my panthers is like that. I noticed if I give him a smaller silkworm he'll go for it, but if they're almost full grown he turns his nose up at them. And it's not that they're too big for him. I wonder if they taste different when they're about ready to morph. My younger panther will eat any silkworm, he's not as fussy. ;)

Speaking of hornworms, I switched sources and the first had the mulberry farms style chow. The new one has this bran colored chow. I have found it is not as nutritional for the cham as the mulberryfarms chow. It also has less calcium. Be real careful feeding hornworms. They can be way to big for them even though they can eat them. It can cause prolapse. Too easy to overfeed with hornworms.
I think there's an inverse ratio as to whether or not a cham will eat something related to its cost. In other words, the more the food item costs, the less likely they will eat it!
Just got my cricket crack. Can silkworms live off of it? If not I have 400 Dubias that will eat it I'm sure.
Nope. Silkworms eat only mulberry leaves or the chow. They will nibble on various other things, but it won't keep them alive.
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