change in behavior


New Member
Chameleon Info:

1 year old panther chameleon had since birth. I handle him on a daily basis as he comes out everyday.
I feed him gutloaded superworms dusted with calcium. I mist the cage before i leave for work and again when i get home a relative humidity about 60-70%. I run a dripper when i leave for the day, i dont see him drink hardly ever but he doesnt appear dehydrated. Fecal is brown and white with some orange, never ben tested for parasites

Cage Info:

I have a large Screen enclosure about 3'by4'by2'. The lowest temperature is in the 70s the highest around 90, lights go on at 630am off at 5pm. My humidity is about 60% i have live plants i dont remember what type. The cage is located in my bedroom in a climate controlled apartment in New york.

My current issue is my chameleon has lost interest in eating. It used to wolf down food, now only eats every few days and usually just a worm or 2 and then goes about its day. It wont eat from a cup and doesnt seem to eat unless i literally hold the food in front of him. He appears otehrwise fine, any advice is appreciated.


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He could just be getting bored. Chameleons love variety in their feeders. Have you tried any other insects? Crickets, roaches, silkworms, hornworms?
have you gotten a fecal done? mine slowed down eating and it ended up he had coccidia! The meds are done now and he eats a ton!
A 1year old or above panther cham,usually can slows down their food intake,since their metabolism are slowing down ,try some other type feeder just to get him up in his appetite since he is been on the superworm diet for a while,which can be very hard on his digestive system ,check for his poop color to see if anything are abnormal,maybe an outdoor basking under the sun ray will perk up his appetite again,along with a vet check up just to see if everything is fine with him,good luck with ur cham.
A little bit of orange in the urate means he is slightly dehydrated and probably needs more mistings and longer mistings. In my opinion there should be at least 3 mistings a day for at least 2 minutes. You need a lot more types a feeders, 5 types is the minimum.
UPDATE- His poo appears normal i took him outisde for an hour and he turned a bright red i never seen before. His appetite still isnt there although i just put him back in the cage from our outdoor excursion. Its ben about 5 days since hes eatin anything ive tried hornworms and roaches i havent given him anymore superworms because im trying to vary his diet. he also aggresively comes out of the cage seeming to want nothing from me other then to be freed and try his best to climb on anything hes unable to climb on.
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