Changing food?


New Member
When giving the cham its two types of food,superworms, often do you swithch it up ?like every other day or every two days?Also,what would a good number of times in a month should you give a special treat to her?
My guys get whatever is gutloaded and ready that day. They usually get two types of feeders a day. You should be fine switching it up every two days or so; do what feels comfortable to you and what your cham seems to need.

As far as special treats, everyone here gets something exotic about once a week. This could mean a handfed stick insect, some housefly pupae put in the cage to hatch, a large fresh molted roach, the rare waxworm, a hornworm, depends on what is available.
yeah I'm making sure I'm ready when I get my first chameleon which would be a panther.I was doing research on veileds but not so much on pathers yet,is there any big differences in diet I should know?
Umm, if you give them some of each and they know what it is, it shouldn't effect them too much.
how about hissing roaches as a treat do they seem to like that?Or are they too big for a four month old?
how about hissing roaches as a treat do they seem to like that?Or are they too big for a four month old?

The young roaches are fine- feed off ones that are the size of the space between your cham's eyes. Gutload them properly first. Roaches make great staple feeders.
I have two 10 gallon tubs with screened lids.Is that big enough for 500 crickets or say 1000 superworms?
It could work. You need to clean it daily, though. Once some of the crickets die, the others will start to. Sort of like "one bad apple ruins the barrel" is true.

Forum members have exotic feeders available sometimes, too.

I am unsure about butterworms; I have never tried them. You should try silkworms. They are very healthy and relished by chams.
I suppose kinda take the "variety" thing to the extreme. I try to make each meal different from the previous one, and try not to repeat a feeder too many times during a week either. I try to have two or three things available and gutloaded at any one time. I find switching it up results in never having hunger strikes, the chameleons are always interested in what's on the menu, and I feel like I am providing the best possible range of nutrients.

I have given baby roaches, including hissers, to young chameleons without issue.

So for example: crickets for breakfast, kingworm for lunch, next day a silkworm for breakfast and a roach for dinner, next day crickets for breakfast and an isopod for lunch. Actually, I keep track of what my males eat in my blog, if you're interested:
hope I don't harsh your gig if I stay pretty close to what your blog lol.Figure if it works for you should work for me.
I've been told to start dusting with calcium with D3.Is there any others she would need right now,she is three months old.So,will be getting her in a week or two.
hope I don't harsh your gig if I stay pretty close to what your blog lol.Figure if it works for you should work for me.

I've kept chameleons for many years and a couple generations now, so I dont suppose it would hurt for others to follow my lead (she said with some pompus pride). I'd take it as a compliment.
Though I personally beleive variety is important, Proper gutloading is the true key, regardless of which feeders you use. The only important thing is ensuring the chameleon gets the nutrition it needs, in a way that works for its digestion.
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