Charlotte the fox


Chameleon Enthusiast
So by request this is Charlotte-
She turned up one day and was immediately obvious she had no fear of humans- I believe she was a city fox dumped out here in the country, having ducks and chickens I was a little wary of her but our poultry is well fenced so if she gets in that's our fault not hers.
Anyway most days she will turn up, wait on the wall as in the picture- it's a soft mound of saxifrage that is her preferred sitting place, I open the door and feed her- sometimes she eats it all, other times she leaves a little. She very gently takes food from your fingers and walks in the house as relaxed as any dog.
I try not to get her to rely on this food- the more she stays here the less she goes out and defends her territory so not in her interest, i give her enough to know she's o.k to go off hunting ,
sadly foxes don't last long and today I noticed she's been in another fight- she has a few wounds now, lost a tooth the other day but that's nature and it's a tough life- it's easy to forgot it really is tooth and claw out there.
I'm enjoying being able to study a fox so close whilst I can.

Wow she/he is very very very pretty and her reds are really pretty so she/he visits your yard everyday?
Yes she's here everyday, I decided to let her indoors yesterday, she was cool, had a walk around then I called her out for her dinner, none of my dogs were this well behaved! :LOL::)
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