Cheap Crickets!!!!!


New Member
HELP!!! I just got a new veiled baby from LLL today. She is so tiny I will post pics soon. I was not expecting her to be this little she is only 3 maybe 3 1/2 inches snout to tail tip. The problem is I think the crix i have are too big. They were 1/2 inchers when i got them 1 week ago they are a little bigger now. She went crazy as soon as i put some in her cage shot one instantly right in front of me with the cage open... but it took her a long time to get it down and she looked to be having some trouble. But she got it after about 4 mins of squirming. But my question is I need to order some smaller crickets now! I do not have much money and i need them here ASAP! I went to the devils store (Petsmart)lol....:) And got 3 dozen small but that is not going to last long... I need help and fast...their prices are crazy it cost me 3.88 for 36 crix....CRAZY...thats 100 for 1000.... PLEASE HELP?
LLL sells crickets of all sizes in bulk. You could probably get 500 small/pin heads delivered to your door for 20 bucks.

Ghann's Crickets ( Sp?) which is also a site sponsor like LLL also sells crickets for similar prices.

You can check the "chameleon food" label under classifieds, perhaps someone selling nearby to you and could hook you up.
Do you have a place around that sells fruit flies? They can hold you over til you can get small crickets
call them

Ghann's Cricket Farm, Inc. Looking to buy LIVE CRICKETS? High quality LIVE CRICKETS, MEALWORMS, SUPERWORMS, and PHOENIX WORMS... combined with LOW PRICES, and GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE have made Ghann's the top source of premium live crickets since 1952! [email protected].
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