New Member
HELP!!! I just got a new veiled baby from LLL today. She is so tiny I will post pics soon. I was not expecting her to be this little she is only 3 maybe 3 1/2 inches snout to tail tip. The problem is I think the crix i have are too big. They were 1/2 inchers when i got them 1 week ago they are a little bigger now. She went crazy as soon as i put some in her cage shot one instantly right in front of me with the cage open... but it took her a long time to get it down and she looked to be having some trouble. But she got it after about 4 mins of squirming. But my question is I need to order some smaller crickets now! I do not have much money and i need them here ASAP! I went to the devils store (Petsmart)lol....
And got 3 dozen small but that is not going to last long... I need help and fast...their prices are crazy it cost me 3.88 for 36 crix....CRAZY...thats 100 for 1000.... PLEASE HELP?