Cheapest crickets in Pensacola,FL??


Avid Member
not interested in ordering crickets for one Cham almost 4 months old.Anyone know where to get the cheapest crickets in Pensacola area?
Try to find a bait shop. I live in central FL. and I can get them for $5 per hundred. Since they are usually large they die off fast but at that price I can live with that. Of course your cham has to be old enough to eat a large cricket.
I've been buying 500 at a time on eBay [1/2 inch or under], for $15 to $16, with a free 2 day delivery, live guarantee if you select Hold for pick up at your local Post Office. The Post Office usually calls first thing in the morning and I set up text message alerts at the USPS site. Above 1/2 inch, some sellers usually charge $2 more.
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