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New Member
:cool: Today I wanted to force feed my chameleon again because he is simply not eating on his own. I've been worried about his little boney body until today. I have found the best way to keep stress to a minimum and to force feed my cham. Rather than take him out of his cage and then shove a cricket in his mouth, I simply stab the cricket with a toothpick until the toothpick goes roughly halfway through the cricket to prevent the chams mouth from getting poked. Also, its a good idea to cut the end of the toothpick off so its not sharp. When I approach the cham he will hiss and I put the cricket near his mouth and then he just takes it and eats it! Its like spoon feeding a baby, and you still dont have to get him out of the viv. I have had 100 percent sucess doing it this way. Today he has had 4 crickets using this method. I wouldnt even call this force feeding, he almost is willing to take the cricket. Its the only way I feel I can get him to eat at this moment. Hopefully he will start hunting like a normal cham over time.
I wouldnt call that force feeding either. Its great that your cham will take some food so easy, no stress.
As above, id try to get some plastic tweezers anyway. The toothpic is ok while its just eating off it like that, but if it begins shooting them, it might be a different story.

Wonderfully refreshing to hear some good news. Let us know how it goes over time.
Best wishes :)
grats on finding a less stressfull way to feed your cham.

sadly, my guy is so calm that he lets me touch him anywhere or rub under his mouth...I can even stroke his back, all without him getting pissed off.
he wont even his or open his mouth at me or anyone else.
I'm glad this works for you, but for me and my calm and friendly cham, no way.

well, I wonder if he even has a tounge haha! I've never seen him shoot even a poo. I dont know what to do I just want him to hunt by himself. My new viv should be here tomorrow, maybe it being smaller will help regulate temps and his hunting skillz. I sure hope so, I cant stop thinking about his health.
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