Check up

Is he looking good? Is it good if he blows up and hisses at me, what does that mean? If his chin skin is hanging, not up all the time?
I feed him 5-8 crickets in the morning and at night, with calcium without D3.
He has plenty of room an trees, water is always available to him, same with food. There is a little bowl with super worms all the time.

He turns orange whenever I hold him, what does this mean?

He will get black when I take him out sometimes, is he mad, what?


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I think he looks good...
Hissing and puffing up is what they do to show you 'watch out ima bite if u move closer' The chin thing is what they also do to look bigger, like this:

I would give him.a lot more branches and some plants in his enclosure tho. I'd al so ditch the waterbowl as they don't often drink from bowls but when misted. and use superworms as a treat instead of having them available all the time.
Definitely more vines and greenery and live plants if you can do it pothos are cheap and work great so are shefflera. Love the mountains in the background looks amazing!
Definitely add more horizontal branches in the upper half of the cage with maybe a pathos for coverage. They spend a majority of their time in the upper part of their cage.

I see substrate in the bottom of the cage, you really need to take that out. Since they shoot their tongues to eat they can accidentally ingest it going after a feeder and cause impaction. Personally I don't have anything in the bottom but a catch tray that I empty daily. Some keepers use papertowls.

Out of curiosity, what is in the bowl in the bottom of the cage?

He looks good right now. Please go to the resources tab and read the caresheets for panthers. You will learn so much and give him the best chance at staying healthy.
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