

Chlorine will burn anything and everything at a high enough concentration. Don't put your chameleon in a pool.
I suppose you were wondering if the chlorine content of tap water would burn their skin? Probably not unless you live someplace where the water is so contaminated that the municipality has to flood the water with chlorine to make it "safe". I suspect you'd be having skin problems if that's the case. If you know your water has chlorine in it (call and find out) you can get rid of it pretty easily by setting the water in an open bucket for a day or so before using it. However, if your water utility uses chloramines to treat the water you'll need to remove it with a herp safe water treatment.
Does chlorine burn chameleons skin??
Chlorine is strong enough to kill cells in the body in the same way as it kills those living organisms. This is why it is said that even tap water is harmful for chameleons. Chlorine is a free radical or a volatile oxidant which reacts with other chemicals and common organic matter to create new chemicals. These includes four types of carcinogens. Swimming pools are another dangerous place for chameleons to hang out because swimming pools have chlorine, check this article .Though it says it is safe for humans, chlorine in the water is harmful for chameleons. Thus what suites chameleons is the 5-stage reverse osmosis filtered water.
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