citrus plants



i found a thread that already asked about lemon trees, so sorry.

i'm really wanting to get my chameleons cage looking like the trees and plants from where his ancestors came from. the rainforests in tanzania (

i've been looking online for a list of trees and shrubs for that area and all that comes up is "endemic plants" but when i search google for images with the words "tanzania rainforest" a lemon tree came up. that got me thinkin... can i get fruit outta the deal too?!

so i looked at the safe plant list thats posted on here and couldn't fine a lemon tree (under the name "lemon tree"). now i'm wondering if lemon, orange, or grapefruit trees would be safe?

thank you!
I have searched the internet and there is no evidence that fruit trees can be poisonous to chams ... But i would not beleive all of the internet... :confused:
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