Cleaning shedding


Established Member
Hi team!

My chameleon (panther nosy be) has just had his first shed with me it was his whole body and he still has a few bits left!

I have a non bioactive enclosure but I do have the coco coir substrate, I’ve picked out the big pieces but there’s still a lot of pieces left that are so small and hard to pick up. His next full viv clean is next week where everything will come out and fresh substrate will go in, is it okay to leave the little pieces of shedding on the substrate or does this create some sort of risk? If so is there a good method for cleaning shedded skin out easily?

Appreciate any stories and advice :)

(us right now)


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You can just leave the shed in. Its not going to grow mold or do anything. A slight concern would be using substrate in the first place, its generally not recommended. They dont benefit from the coco fiber etc and the down sided are poop and dead feeders decaying in said substrate, along with getting a tongue full of coco fiber if the feeder moves too fast. This problem goes away if you do go bioactive, because there will be grubblies eating the poop and dead feeders, and even the shed. My army of pill bugs make short work of big sheds. Its kinda fun to watch them first eat the inside of the shed, watch it disintegrate into scale pieces, and then they eat even the pieces.
When I got my first chameleon kit it had green carpet, which is disgusting because your can’t properly clean it when your Cham takes a big dump. Then I went with coco fiber for a natural looking forest floor. I also thought it would help retain humidity and I could spot clean poops like it was a cat’s litter box. I asked for advice on these forums and was encouraged to go with a bare floor unless I was going with bioactive. And guess what, I argued with them on that too! I went with a bare floor and realized the people on the forums were so right. It is much easier to clean and I’ll never go back to coco fiber.
When I got my first chameleon kit it had green carpet, which is disgusting because your can’t properly clean it when your Cham takes a big dump. Then I went with coco fiber for a natural looking forest floor. I also thought it would help retain humidity and I could spot clean poops like it was a cat’s litter box. I asked for advice on these forums and was encouraged to go with a bare floor unless I was going with bioactive. And guess what, I argued with them on that too! I went with a bare floor and realized the people on the forums were so right. It is much easier to clean and I’ll never go back to coco fiber.

I am part of the "beardies on newspaper" master race. People think im crazy... Also cant use colored newspaper due to taste testing...
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