Cleaninig/sorting the dubia bin


Avid Member
Looking for a faster/ easier way to clean out the frass from the dubia bin. Just took me about 40 min to clean out one of my small bins without the bucket method. Anyone have a better/different way to clean out the bin other than the bucket method?

Anyone have a better/different way to clean out the bin other than the bucket method?

I have never seen this method before. Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, I do not have a better method than fact, I don't think I would call what I do a method at all, lol.
I have never seen this method before. Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, I do not have a better method than fact, I don't think I would call what I do a method at all, lol.
J. you have my curiosity. What is your method?
Take all the dubia out then vacuum inside as long they have no babies wondering around ,I usually use a big bucket then put the egg crates with the roaches in side the buckets double check inside with no roaches left,then start vacuuming:)
J. you have my curiosity. What is your method?

So, I have quite a large colony going now, so keep in mind that if I miss a couple nymphs here and there I don't sweat it.

I have a long 5 foot bin that I keep mine in. I have 1/3 of the bin that is egg crate, no bowl...nothing. I super glued a 1" strip of wood spanning the width of the bin at the 1/3 section. When I do my separating, I simply take the egg crates out and as many roaches as I can and put them aside in another container. Then I simply lift the bin and let all the junk fall to the bare side of the bin, making sure that everything goes over the strip of wood. Then I make sure all the frass is as evenly dispersed as possible, put delicious fresh food on the other side of the bin with some egg crate and wait. In about an hour, all the little nymphs will have made there way back over to the other side, leaving nothing but the frass(maybe some stragglers) on the partitioned side. Then I shop-vac that mess out.

This works for me, because I don't go through the trouble of separating my colony out by size. Once, sometimes twice a month, I remove a large majority of my breeder size dubia and trade with a fellow reptile enthusiast for his crickets. So, we keep each other supplied at all times.

This is why I don't worry about over crowding in my I have an army of Melleri!!!

Hope that doesn't disappoint.....but like I said....not much of a "method"! Lol. :rolleyes:
My colony is about 2000 now so with my method takes about less than 10min,if you have a larger colony,then I think @jpowell86 has a great method instead of poking holes in those bucket in those video,unless you are prepareing to open a dubia INC business for whole lots extra roaches ready to shipped out.
So, I have quite a large colony going now, so keep in mind that if I miss a couple nymphs here and there I don't sweat it.

I have a long 5 foot bin that I keep mine in. I have 1/3 of the bin that is egg crate, no bowl...nothing. I super glued a 1" strip of wood spanning the width of the bin at the 1/3 section. When I do my separating, I simply take the egg crates out and as many roaches as I can and put them aside in another container. Then I simply lift the bin and let all the junk fall to the bare side of the bin, making sure that everything goes over the strip of wood. Then I make sure all the frass is as evenly dispersed as possible, put delicious fresh food on the other side of the bin with some egg crate and wait. In about an hour, all the little nymphs will have made there way back over to the other side, leaving nothing but the frass(maybe some stragglers) on the partitioned side. Then I shop-vac that mess out.

This works for me, because I don't go through the trouble of separating my colony out by size. Once, sometimes twice a month, I remove a large majority of my breeder size dubia and trade with a fellow reptile enthusiast for his crickets. So, we keep each other supplied at all times.

This is why I don't worry about over crowding in my I have an army of Melleri!!!

Hope that doesn't disappoint.....but like I said....not much of a "method"! Lol. :rolleyes:
J., Very interesting. I'll have to give your method a shot.
Buy some materials that can be used as sitters with different size openings

Light diffusers
My Dubia colony isn't huge (probably around 1,000 but I honestly haven't tried to count!). I have them in two separate containers; one is the breeding colony and the other is the feed-off/grow out bin. When I want to clean them and/or pull out nymphs from the breeding container, I start by simply moving the egg crates into an empty bin which brings 90% of the adults and larger nymphs with them. Then I use a sand scooper/sifter (I think the one I have is ZooMed) to sift the frass over a trash bag or bucket. The smallest nymphs are still too big for the sifter so then I just dump them into the grow out bin. I don't have a good method yet of getting the rest of the nymphs out that are on the egg crate with the adults.
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