Clear sided Dragonstrand cleaning


Chameleon Enthusiast
So, I have sticky little circles all over the clear sides of my dragonstrand from DZ's tongue from when he snatches his Black Soldier Flies. Anyone have any experience in getting the sticky off?
Very good question. I'm considering a clear side as well when my Sherman gets bigger. We hear a lot of great things about these cages, but not a lot about cleaning. How to you clean this without pulling or stretching the clear material and making it look "saggy" over time? o_O

I'm subscribing to see what the experience has been from those who have this type of enclosure.
If you want to do a deep cleaning of the walls you could just use regular water. It will create the white spots on it, so you would need to finish with RO or distilled water, but the PVC is pretty resilient and snaps back when stretched.
I've cleaned mine with Windex (ammonia) and with vinegar. Not sure I can say which is better, but I've had no problems with the PVC getting slack. I do use a microfiber cloth because I'm not sure paper towels won't scratch the film over time. The tongue marks are hard to remove, but to me they're one of those things that aren't that noticeable if you don't focus on them. I'm interested in what others have experienced. You didn't ask, but I know Bill has recommended cleaning the white floor plastic with a Mr Clean Magic Eraser.
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