Clearing an impaction.


New Member
I've been given a juvenile dwarf chameleon to nurse which is badly impacted. Hes about the size of my thumb, so far to small for surgery. Besides the impaction he is still very healthy, drinking frequently and eagerly ate the one small dusted cricket I allowed him (to get some decent nutrients .) I've got him on electrolyte solution and water only now. He is noticeably bloated.

I gave him a large dose of cod liver oil 3 days ago (which usually does the trick) and I've been alternating between soaking him and gentle spray bottle showers every 3-4 hours. The soaking really seems to make him want to poop but all his straining gets is clear fluid and small bits of white urate. I'm even trying very gently massaging his stomach while hes warm after soaking.

Does anyone have any other ideas?

He is a wild cham so the impaction could be pretty much anything but because of his size and the garden he came from I think he probably ate a few bugs that were too big for him.
Are you allowing it to thermoregulate to optimal temperature for the species?
Why do you think its impacted, not just full of oil now?
I definately wouldnt go pumping oil any more into it. Is it lapping water droplets?
I do have him in a thermostat controlled room now at optimal temps.

The only reason we noticed him was because he was so bloated.. That was the reason he was taken out of the tree and then only after 2days of observation did I feel pretty certain it was in fact impaction. His bloated-ness and failed attempts to defecate was the most compelling factors leading to this conclusion.

It was then that I gave him the oil, about 2 drops which is a lot for his size. He should have at least passed the small cricket I fed him but as yet no sign.

Are there other problems that could cause his abdomen and chest cavity to swell?

Unfortunately after 30 000+ photos my camera is in for repairs to its shutter so I can't provide pics.
The warmer temps will definately help. Dont offer food for a few days atleast, see if the combination of the oil and warmer temps helps. Have you observed it straining to defecate?
That you describe the chest as also swollen is disturbing. Consider the possibility of a massive parasite load if its a wild lizard. nematodes perhaps. Is the stomach distended also near the vent? Is the vent clean/normal looking?
If a vet is avail, perhaps you could have it seen.

If there is indeed a major impaction, it may require surgery. Soaking in shallow luke warm water to encourage defecation may be all you do otherwise.
best wishes
I have seen him straining to defecate on more than one occasion, it was the deciding factor to give him the oil. I've checked with the vet and hes just too small for surgery (about the size of my thumb).

There are a lot of flying beetles around this time of year (we call them Christmas beetles) so there is a good chance he got hold of one of those or one of the bigger moths.

My hope is by keeping him on a liquid diet the blockage will be digested to a point where it can be passed.

On the positive side he is showing no ill signs in his behavior: very active, basking, exploring etc. He is also drinking a lot, possibly even excessively but at the moment I figure the more liquid in him the better. I use a disinfected eye dropper and hes drinking +/-12 drops a day on top of the mouthful of electrolyte solution, completely voluntarily.

I've never handled such a fearless chameleon, he'll climb onto my finger 9/10 without any coaxing.
I once had a vet recommend letting them sit in a bowl of warm water for a bit each day. I'm not sure if it's the water or the chameleon getting nervous but it did get some feacal results. I don't think the water does it. I think they eliminate by being scared. So proceed this with lots of observing. It may be too small.

I know a trip to the vet always produces stool in the carrying tub during the drive over so the nervousness may be the answer.
Christmas beetles , those irridescent shiny green little pest that fly yes? we get them here too, another few weeks and they'll be around. I suppose that would be difficult for a tiny cham to digest.
Hopefully a few more days/week will see it pass whatever it is. I was forgetting how small it was.
let us know how it goes. :)
Our beetles aren't as pretty as yours, dull brown. But I'm sure you are familiar with that sound of droning wings slamming into a wall and then having to find the damn thing before the girlfriend will let you get back into bed :)

I've been using the sink full of water starting with my elbow in one corner and gently lowering my hand in with him clinging to my fingers like an island. Its a bit tricky initially while he settles but once he does he'll sit quietly mostly submerged. Interesting to see a solid line of colour difference on the skin below the warm water line.
Sadly he started to show signs of discomfort today, besides for lighter greens during soaking hes a dark black colour most of the time. Also from his tummy massages I can feel that hes more bloated to the point that his skin is tight. I've stopped giving him liquids other than the electrolytes as I'm not sure he can even pass those now.

Update: I've had another suggestion that he may be a she and is gravid. Hoping like crazy that this is the case!
how is he/she doing? I think I may also have a cham with impaction. It has been a long time since I have seen any feces. And he had stopped eating quite awhile ago and the last few days i have been force feeding him. I just tried the warm bath which he seemed to like. I wanted to try some oil but wanted to see if yours was doing any better first.
Wow man this sucks

Sorry to hear about this.

Is he still reacting normaly?
Are his eyes normal?
Walking around?
Colour normal?

I would say you should give him alot of water.
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