Climbing apparatus


New Member

Can anyone recommend a cheap way to supply sufficient climbing accessories for my cham? The shop bought ones seem so expensive for a bit of wood!

Thanks! Are there any varieties I should avoid? Do I need to treat them or can i literally strip the bark and put them in?
climbing stuff

Not sure if you have access to any grapevines where you live, but if you do, vine branches work great. Soak them overnight in water so that they become bendable without breaking. I live in wine country so when pruning season comes around I'll be stocking up again. They are free and work great.
I have taken the large grapevine wreathes apart- you can find them at most craft stores- soak them!
Don't use pine, but I think anything else is fine. You don't want anything with sap, because that's a mess (especially in the oven... I know from experience. Although the house smells fantastic!) and apparently pine sap can be harmful to reptiles.
Wood IS something I know about! :D

I did not read the bake or not to bake thread, but I have a question... why NOT bake? Baking dries it out thoroughly and prevents molding, it kills a lot of what might "come in" with it, because you don't know what was sitting ( or pooping ) on the branch before you brought it in, and it would suck to bring something in unintentionally.

If you get something like willow, or elm it's a softer type of wood and you could probably bend and form that pretty easily while it's wet/just cut.
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