Closed eye problems! HELP!


New Member
Hi all!
Newbie to your great site here, I have had Veiled's in the past, but its been a few years so I purchased a 3-4 month old pair of them. Just can't stay away.......However, the female started keping one eye closed alot then the other eye.Now she cannot open either one. Now this morning, the male is doing the same thing
They are in seperate cages (of course)...sprayed 3x daily....even tried the shower on them to see if that would help.........Nope. So now of course, I cannot get them to eat or drink.They have a 50 watt white spot, both in soft mesh reptariums.....exceptionally clean. Were eating rather well before this, crickets were dusted with Miner-all. Living in SW Florida I keep them inside quite alot.....try to get them out for at least an hr of sunshine daily. Temp in my Apt. is usually 78 deg. Could that be too cool for a day time temp? No waterfalls or standing water for bacterial growth present. I am currently awaiting disability so sadly do not have the funds available to take these guys to the vet. The wife is in tears, sheesh, any idea's??????? THe Female is starting to look dehydrated, but the male is chubby and hydrated, normal eye bulge, just wont open them. Only common denominater was alot of blinking in the first affected eye........................
Do they have UV bulbs above their cages? I'm no expert, but from what I understand, the blinking, closed eye indicates a vitamin deficiency related to low UV exposure. And that it can clear up quite quickly with appropriate UV.
Eye problems are typically due to 4 things that come to mind:

1) Lack of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is a source of nutrient that provides healthy eyes to chameleons. Although beta carotene is a known nutrient that converts to vitamin A, I use Reptivite as a multivitamin because it has a direct source of Vitamin A, rather than beta carotene. If a chameleon is lacking in Vitamin A, it can cause eye problems.

2) Infection. Mouth and respiratory infections have been known to relate to eye problems and chameleons may also be susceptible to conjunctivitis (contagious eye infection) as well. If you chameleons have eye infections, a trip to the vet is necessary for eye drops and/or oral antibiotics to clear and determine the chameleons of their infections.

3) Debris in eye. Sometimes chameleons may get something lodged in their eye turrets that may cause pain and irritation, and in some cases infection in the eye. If this is the case, their eye may close so as to reduce movement which causes their discomfort from the foreign object. Most of the time, chameleons can alleviate this problem on their own through a lot of water intake and moisture to dislodge the foreign object. However, if your chameleon is unable to do this on his/her own, a trip to the vet is necessary to give them assistance in removing the object from their eye. In your case, this does not appear to be the problem as both of your chameleons are experiencing eye difficulties.

4) Lack of water, moisture, & humidity. A lack of moisture and water will cause dryness in a chameleon's eye which in turn will cause their eyes to close. Sufficient water is necessary for a chameleon to have healthy eyes as this is how they are able to constantly move their eyes, focus, and see clearly. Make sure you are offering your chameleon mistings frequently throughout the day to help them keep their eyes and body nice and healthy.

I am sure there may be something else someone may want to add that I have not thought of regarding eye issues, however, based on your description, it is my opinion that you take both of your chameleons to the vet to evaluate their eye problems since both of your chameleons are experiencing problems.

I hope this helps and that your chameleons recover soon!
Closed eyes.......

Hi there..........a trip to the vet would be best if at all possible. I understand the expense issue. If they die, you have lost the money you paid for them though. Here are some other suggestions and/or comments while you ponder the expense issue. Temperature. They should have a basking temp of 95 degrees at the top. The cage in general should be at least 80 degrees. Sick chams should be kept at a higher temperature. I am going to suggest 85 degree to 95 degree range for now. So get those cage temperatures up with a higher watt basking light and don't let the temp go below 80 at night. Keep showering them every day. If they won't drink see if you can get some drops of water into them with a dropper or syringe.

Keep getting them in the real sun for one hour a day. Have appropriate UVA/UVB lighting in cage. You need to supplement with something else other than Miner-all. It lacks Vitamin A. You need another vitamin that contains Beta Carotine like Herptivite Multivitamins. I rotate Miner-all, Herptivite Multivitamins and Calcium in my dustings. They each contain something the others don't. I use Miner-all with Vitamin D3. You don't need D3 in your Miner-all if they get outside sun every day. Miner-all makes one with D3 and one without D3. Your chams get their D3 from real sun. Putting it in their supplement can overdose them.

Lack of Vitamin A causes major eye problems. Get that into their diet by adding the Herptivite Multivitamin with Beta Carotene. Beta Carotene converts to Vitamin A in the cham. If they won't eat, see if you can dust your crickets (very very lightly) and pop them into their mouths by hand one at a time. Will they open their mouths if you touch their head or the back of their neck? You need to get them to eat somehow. Cod liver oil is high in Vitamin A. Pick up a supplement at your drug store. You may find the liquid but the gel capsules are more common. Prick the capsule and squirt out the liquid. Give each cham a drop or two every day. It smells like fish but is a very good source of Vitamin A.

There is a turtle eye drop that is available in many pet stores that contains Vitamin A in the solution. Turtles can have major eye problems from lack of Vitamin A. Try to get these eye drops. You may need to get the drops and the Herptivite Multivitamins on the internet. Will your chams open their eyes when picked up by hand at all? If you can somehow get these turtle drops into their eyes it will help reverse the Vitamin A problem more quickly. It also lubricates the eye and helps them be more comfortable if dry. In any case, it will not hurt them even if Vitamin A is not the problem. If they will not open their eyes at all you can have your wife carefully use a pair of tweezers to open them while you put the drops in.

It sounds to me like Vitamin A is the original problem. However, they are now in the downward spiral caused by not eating or drinking. They need higher temperatures to help them fight off a secondary infection. You need to correct the Vitamin A problem but be careful not to overdose them. Very light dustings in rotation plus Cod Liver Oil and eye drops. Get them to eat and drink. My second choice for the original problem is some sort of infection or parasites. If this is the case the only cure is a trip to the vet. I hope this helps. I do recommend the trip to the vet as my first choice if there is any way you can swing it. Let us know how things go. Please do keep us updated! I'm now emotionally invested in your situation and will have your chams in my thoughts and prayers :)
Thanks to al for your invaluable information,care, and being so darn hepful! I did get them both to the vet, his best guess was a vit A defeciency. He gave them both injections but sadly, I thinkthe stress coupled with her other ongoing problems got the better of her. She died right after I got her back to my car. Bummer. I have been folwing most of everyone's suggestions to the T, but I do have some shopping to do and a few changes to make. Thank you all again for taking the time to share your expertise and knowledge with me.
I am so sorry. That must be heartbreaking. And for your wife, too. God bless you both. You did what you could, and did make the sacrifice of taking them to the vet right away. Your male will be so much better for it. Don't get discouraged. You learned a lot from this experience. And I did too, just reading the advice and instruction offered by the others. Thank you for letting us know. Sandy
Closed eye problems!

I'm so sorry about your loss. You did the best thing though. Taking them to the vet will give you an element of certainty about the cause of the problem. You can now take care of your male and get him back to good health. I think Jenna from Prism and I were typing or responses at the same time. I did not see hers before I submitted mine for posting. Jenna is the one who gave me the cod liver tip for Vitamin A deficiencies (Thanks Jenna :) ). Please update us all about your male's progress. We can all learn from his ongoing treatment. Will be thinking of him and hope he shows improvement soon........
Well, I think the vet might have given them both too much Vit A, cuz my Male is very bad, he was fine in the vets black spot at inj site(expected?), his eyes have turned very dark and his abdomen is swollen and distended. He gasps every once in awhile.He was perfect at the vets office yesterday..............I called the vet and asked if he possibly gave them too much, don't think he would admit it though. So now I have lost the pair......#*&! Thanks again all.....................
my cham kinda has the same problem,he keeps is eyes closed a lot,im using "rep-cal" phosphorus free, calcium with vit-d3 dust my crickets,,,,it doesnt say anything about vit a on the lable,,someone get back to me please,
Reptivite by Zoo-med has direct source of Vitamin A in their multivitamin dusting powder, rather than beta carotene conversion. Try switching to this product and see if you notice an improvement. Also, putting carrots in with your insects is an excellent source of a gut loading addition as it has beta carotene as a nutrient.

Catherine's suggestion's above are excellent as well. I hope his eye's get better soon! :)

Rewired - I am so sorry you had to go through this and that your chameleons did not make it. I am sorry for your losses :(
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