Closed eyes Not eating


New Member
my female around 6-7 month veiled chameleon is keeping her eyes closed throughout the day. She hasnt been eating. Ive had her for since july 07 07. Im feeding her crickets but she wont eat those ive tried mealworms and she will eat those some of the time
Scanning your past posts here would be my questions:
Do you have any type of plastic or glass between the UVB light (bulb) and the screen cage?
Did you provide her a place to lay in the case that she became gravid? Is she looking fat?
Did you start supplementing with Calcium?
What temps do you have her basking spot and the rest of her cage?
Also-you said the soil for her plant has white styrofoam beads-I hope she has not been eating those-they an cause impaction-you should either cover the top of the plant in screen or place rocks too big too eat or better yet use Organic soil with not fertilizer or perlite.
I have not put a laying spot yet. I dont know what to use for the material. I will check temps later. Kinda big but not huge like most pics i see. She is getting blue spotting/areas. I need to get a male to mate with her. Yes i started calcium but her eyes also look a little sunken is she dehydrated. Is she to young to be showered. How do i shower.
I have not put a laying spot yet. I dont know what to use for the material. I will check temps later. Kinda big but not huge like most pics i see. She is getting blue spotting/areas. I need to get a male to mate with her. Yes i started calcium but her eyes also look a little sunken is she dehydrated. Is she to young to be showered. How do i shower.

I wouldn't breed her until she is close to a year and has been in perfect health for months-but remember she could still lay eggs even without being mated. Mine never looked huge either and laid 78 eggs. She is not too young to be showered-search this forum to see how others do that. Please post a picture of her, she could be eggbound, dehydrated, or worse. You need to know what your temps are-she should have a basking spot around 90 degrees at that age.
Again-does your light have a lens? What is your supplementing schedule?
For a laying spot use a bucket or large flower pot at least 12" deep that will fit in her cage. You can fill with playground sand, or soil. I use sand mixed with coconut fiber. She would be searching the bottom of the cage if she needed to lay usually.
Im trying to figure out a schedule. I will post a picture tomorrow because i dont have internet at home. What is a lens on a light. Are the eggs fertile that yours laid. Mine could be older as i got it from petco and they said she was younger i had it figured out with the date they gave me and that seemed to young for her size i will take pics tonight post tomorrow
You should have a schedule already-you can't just hit and miss with the Calcium-they will go downhill fast. A lens would be glass or plastic over the UVB lightbulb-some fixtures come with that cover and it needs to be removed-UVB light will NOT go through plastic or glass. You may need a VET and fast.
Yes-the 78 eggs were fertile.
Price of vet visit depends on the vet.
Go to my site for a link to finding a vet in your area.
Also, check out the article on supplements.
You've been on here awhile ... I'm surprised that you've only just started offering calcium. (is this true?)
Whether or not she's carrying eggs, at this age she needs a laying container available to her.


My Pregnant Panther showed the same Symptoms that yours is showing, she just wouldnt lay, she would sit up in the corner eyes closed, we took her to the vet, and for 69 bucks she got some subcutaneous fluids and she was alive and kickin again! shes doing great now, but dont wait on the Vet visit or you will regret it and youll lose your little buddy
Your chameleon needs the help of a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Check out the sticky thread: [thread=67]Veterinarian Resources[/thread].
I agree, Its never a good thing if there eyes are closed during the day, sounds like my 1st veiled chameleon she was a tiny female and she started to display the same symptoms, I took her to the vet, and we tried and tried to nurse her...but to no avail :( It is very important to get her to a vet.
From the behavior of your female, I would get that egglaying site in there NOW and get her to the vet ASAP and then worry about the calcium.
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