closing one or both eyes and slight napping


New Member
So the more I read here the more its getting me concerned about my female veiled cham moose. Although researching mbd I don't see any applicable signs towards that being the cause, shes very active, legs look just fine. But I do catch her on occasion shutting one or both eyes periodically thru the day, and my ignorance with this has lead me to post. What should I do to get her to stop? I have uvb lights uva, heating light, I supplement calcium about 2-3 times a Month without d3 and once or twice a month with d3 I also use multivitiams seldomly. What am I doing wrong? Edit - also what is the most typical cause of this? Budgets not a concern with Mr, but I have no known local exotic pet vet in southern Arizona, that I know of, otherwise I would invest in a check up.
ok. first. what wattage lights are you using?
your supplement schedule is off.
calcium without d3 for every feeding.
calcium with d3 twice a month.
multivitamin twice a month.

typical causes- lights are too intense, something in the eye, eye infection.
Chameleons can have an eye problem shuch as an infection that could cause them to close their eye or both eyes if both eyes are infected. Closing the eyes can also mean that your chameleon is sick. It's one of the first signs of an illness. I would recommend a vet visit with a good chameleon vet.

How old is your chameleon? It doesn't sound like you are dusting the feeders enough. Also if you will fill out the ask for help form and post some pictures it would be very helpful.

I have know babies they were kept close to a new UVB lights have sensitive eyes to the light and close them.
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I'll have to double check on the wattage and thats good to know about the supplementing, I was fearful of ODing her with vitamins. As far as something in the eye can i check by looking in her eye or would it be not noticable to naked eye, and just to clarify if my night time temp drops to maybe mid 60s is that enough reason for heating lamp or only if it goes below 60
I'll have to double check on the wattage and thats good to know about the supplementing, I was fearful of ODing her with vitamins. As far as something in the eye can i check by looking in her eye or would it be not noticable to naked eye, and just to clarify if my night time temp drops to maybe mid 60s is that enough reason for heating lamp or only if it goes below 60

mid 60s is a good temp drop.
and even if its gets below 60, no heat lamp at night. no light at all.
if it gets too cold, get a ceramic heat emitter, no light but keeps the air warmer.
yu can look, you may not see anything.
try a heavy warm water misting or a shower.
put cham on a plant,
but both on floor of shower.
aim shower head towards wall so water bounces off and mist lands on plant.
make water warm, but not hot. sit for 20 minutes.
The more I read on the forums the more i feel its my early warning signs that I need to switch from regular bulbs to the strip lights because its too intense for her eyes, anyone got any reccomendations? I already got my uvb takrn care of, but what about uva and basking lights? Mind you this is 30inch W, 30inch L, and 48 inches H, enclosure. With screen on all sides except back of enclosure. Or atleast what wattage should i be looking for
I use regular house bulbs for basking. I use 100 watts, but i have a different set up than you.
What uvb bulb are you using? what wattage?
get a reagular house bulb and see how things go.
1) Buy a shower filter (look for a KDF is made of zinc and copper..costs around $30 at your local hardware store).

2) Install it onto your shower, and turn it on.

3) Run it for 30 seconds, get the water warm (not too hot).

4) Aim the water at the wall

5) Place a plant into the shower for your chameleon to climb on and drink from.

6) Before adding the chameleon, make sure the shower head is not directly hitting the plant. Only the ricochet from the wall should be hitting the plant.....too much water on your chameleon will drown him.

7) Once a comfortable shower is set up, put your chameleon in.

8) Watch him for 2-3 minutes to make sure he's okay, adjust temperature so it is not cold and not hot.

9) Leave her alone for 10 minute intervals. Give her about 30 mins in the shower.

10) Adjust water temperature as it changes.

Do this every 3 days, once a day, 3 times (3 times over 9 days).

That should help her flush whatever is in his eyes.

And yes, use a LIGHT dusting of calcium, or calcium on just 2-3 feeders, every day or every few days at the least.

Vitamin A has a lot to do with eye health. You should go to the pharmacy and buy some Vit A gel capsules that have......Retinyl palmitate...and/or halibut liver oil.

Pierce the gel capsule with a pin, or bit the tip of it with your teeth. Put ONE drop onto ONE insect...ONCE A MONTH.
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