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It's crazy to think that in just a few more months, I'll be done with high school. It feels like I just started the first grade! I can remember it so well, and it seems like I can barely remember my high school career! I've applied to my top five favorite colleges most are in the state of Minnesota since the U of M - TC has some of the best teachers there and really prepare you for what you want to do. I am in the process of waiting to hear back from the schools, my number one want to go to school is U of M - Twin Cities. It has all the things I want to go for and so much more. I plan to even study abroad every chance that I can get for my degrees. I've gotten all of my applications done, ACT test taken and now I'm waiting for a response from the schools whether or not I will be accepted. Now is the fun part, I get to reconnect with my past teachers and ask them to see if they will write me a recommendation letter. It's a whirl wind in order to get into a college, but in the end I think it will be well worth it. When my parents and other said that high school will go by so quick, they weren't joking. I remember my first day of high school and walking into a new surrounding scared out of my mind and now that I think back on it, it wasn't that bad. There were the ups and downs through out but no matter what, I'm thankful I got the chance to succeed and I get to continue on my path of success. I seriously took it all for granted and I do regret it every single day. I wish that I could go back to my freshman, sophomore, and junior classes and re-do all of them and get even better grades. I guess I've come to the realization that procrastination is not the best. ha ha :cool: Some days, I wonder if that is what others think. I often think about what I really want to do with my future. What is college really like? As great as they say? I hope. I am ready for this next chapter in my life, and I really hope that it is what I expect from it. To all that end up reading this short book, and that have gone to college or are in the process of going to college, I'd love to hear your experiences of your freshman year and what you experienced through out your college career.
Congrats man, I know you're really excited about this next step. Here I am graduating from college tomorrow! It's exciting, except now I have to figure out where to work and live - eek! lol But it's exciting at the same time.

College has definitely had its ups and downs but it's been really worth it in the end. I loved my first year of college, I found the college schedule of classes awesome. Where you only go in to a given class perhaps 2 or 3 times a week for an hour or so, maybe some 3 hour labs, but the rest of the day you're free to do other things. I used to have classes from 8-12 in the morning and that was IT, I could go to the beach the rest of the day, study, or do whatever. After my first year, I started needing to take more 3-4 hour labs for my biology or chemistry classes so my schedule got busier, but I definitely still liked the flexibility.

I will say that since my university is very science-focused, my chemistry and math classes were not a walk in the park. But good schools usually have great resources for you and the professors tend to be good people, so definitely go to their office hours and talk to them. I know that I probably owe one calculus professor a good bottle of something for bumping up my grade from one letter to another, all because I was with him weekly and tutoring really hard.

I also did quite a bit of studying abroad programs, but usually summer ones. But going to Oxford or Florence for the summer is amazing!
Congrats on the new chapter in your life. I have been out of college for about 20 years now and I don't think you could pay me to go back now adays....LOL. But it was worth it that is for sure. I missed out on a lot of social aspects in college. I played fast pitch softball so it was either study hall, training, weights or practice. Heck I lost my spleen while playing ball in college so it literally took a part of me :D. Not sure I would do it any differently though if I had the chance. Make the best of it!! Oh and oh think time flew when you were in high school.....wait until you have another 20 years in you and your back is aching, knees hurt and you wonder where time has gone....LOL.
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