colonizing roaches


Avid Member
Hi guys,
I recently got a hole lot of dubia roaches and they just dont breed fast enough for all the mouths I have to feed. I was wondering if there is a faster breeding roach that is easy to maintain. If anyone knows or knows what might be my issue why mine arent breeding please let me know
It took mine about 2-3 months to really start producing. I started with 100 mixed sizes. So you might want to wait, once they start producing unless you have a really large collection they should be able to keep up with you feeding some off.
How many mouths do you have to feed and how many dubias did you start out with? You may need to expand you colony and keep the temps at a constant 85-90 degree range as the heat makes them re-produce better. You can place a heating pad under one side of the bin and leave a cool side.
first of all you need to have realistic expectations, there are other roaches that will breed a little faster, but most are capable of flying , crawling vertical surfaces, and infesting your house. depending on temps, dubia gestation period is a little under a month, and then there is the time required for the young to grow to feedable size, so thats another 1-3 months depending on the size you are looking for. the warmer you keep things the faster they will go. if you can give your colony the time to get established, it will provide more than enough dubia to be a staple for several chams. if you post a description and pics of your setup then maybe members can offer some suggestions to increase production. jmo
Hi guys,
I recently got a hole lot of dubia roaches and they just dont breed fast enough for all the mouths I have to feed. I was wondering if there is a faster breeding roach that is easy to maintain. If anyone knows or knows what might be my issue why mine arent breeding please let me know

As Pssh said, Turkistan Roaches breed very quickly (they also move quickly). I've got conlonies of Turks, Hissers and Dubia. The chameleons prefer the hissers and turks to the dubia (probably because the dubia dont move much)
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