Colored Silkworms Anyone??


Avid Member
As most people know I am breeding standard white silkworms.

I am wondering if there would be an interest in having the colored verities available as well?

Zebra, Black, Green, and Pink are what is offered from coastal silkworms which is where I get my base stock.

What do you think?
As most people know I am breeding standard white silkworms.

I am wondering if there would be an interest in having the colored verities available as well?

Zebra, Black, Green, and Pink are what is offered from coastal silkworms which is where I get my base stock.

What do you think?
Ive only ever raised zebra and whites. Zebras have the stronger gene.
Zebras would be easier I think, because you can separate the males from the females very early on.
What dyes do they use for the chow? If they are aritificial dyes I wouldn't do it. But if it's food based it would likely be safe to offer the colored varieties. Zebra aren't a colored variety they are something akin to a morph/locale. And have a stronger immune system I use them and high quality white strains in my hybrids.
I thought I read somewhere that it was only the female zebra's that had stripes. I have not razed any yet so maybe I am confused or the information was wrong.
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