

New Member
Just curious about the colors of a Jackson's chameleon (female). I read an article on a site of what the different colors mean (I just saw it today and already forgot :rolleyes: ). I know the darker the color, the more stressed they are or gravid in those cases.

Emmie turns a almost leopard looking pattern. On occasion I see her turn a brownish color. Like a forest floor color. Just wondering what these mean.


Her more leopard pattern look:


A slightly darker Emmie with splotches.


And her cage (It may be that has something to do with it, of course besides my presence. :p )


The light really isn't that bright. My camera for some reason didn't want to capture the light correctly. [UVB SolarGlo by ExoTerra, 60Watt Bulb for basking]

Also, after watering her last night she went to the very center/top of the cage, grabbed a hold of the thing hanging down, made herself more vertical, gaped her mouth open and breathed heavily a couple of times and stopped. I tried to get a picture of her, but my camera was all the way on the other side of the house. I know it can mean overheating, aggressiveness, or URI. Anyone have any ideas?
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