Comparison of Nutritional Profiles…Super Worm (Zophobas morio) &Yellow Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) as Alternative Feeds Used in Animal Husbandry…etc


Chameleon Queen
“Generally, both TM and ZM are nutritionally rich in proteins. TM and ZM had similar
protein content, while the best optimization was reached for ZM fed with dietary supple-
mentation with cabbage within 97 days.”…
“Digestibility was similar in both larvae and was mostly unaffected by the change in
the diet and time period”… best nutritive composition contained,of n6/n3 fatty acids.


“Here is as complete a list of nutritional values…for the Superworms, Morio Darkling Beetle Larva”…
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I always fed my veileds superworms until my current vet whom i have come to adore warned me of how many chameleons he has treated (some successfully some not) over the years for digestive problems caused by superworms. apparently, if the worm if not killed in the eating process and then swallowed, it remains alive long enough to try and burrow or chew its way out. If you have ever dealt with superworms, you understand as they are very strong and hardy. If your chamelon has any issue eating, swallowing or using its tongue, steer clear. Its better to be safe than sorry. Do you know who sells yellow mealworms?
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