Confimation of gender for my Veiled! :)


New Member
Hey everyone,
Alright, so i bought my first chameleon finally last Sunday. I took some pictures last week but they were very blurry. I finally took some better ones... I believe she is a female, but I would like confirmation! Also it would be great for an age guess as well... I got her a week ago today and I think she was only 2-3weeks old. So my guess is 1 month old? Let me know what you think. Thanks! :D


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I cant see any spurs (bumps on the back feet) so she very well could be a male. I clear image of the back feet would be great.

She is young, could be 2 months old imo

Good luck with her :D
As said could do with some close pitures of the back feet, if it has a spur its a male, if not a female,

also have you any pics of him/her against a hand or something to scale it with its hard to tell how big they are in pictures unless against something which can be used to judge size.How big is he/she roughly? Looks nice though:)
I would say female approximately 6-8 weeks. You really need to show her against something that will will show her size. I think she is older than 4 weeks.
ya i know... haha ive been really cautious about handling her since ive only had her for a week. I wanted to build trust before i try to handle her. I tried to get her today since she was close to the door. and she was on my fingers with her two front feet but had her tail latched onto a vine. i didnt want to hurt her and soon after she made her way back onto the vine. Any tips on handling?
as it has bene stated already spurs on back feet you have a male and no spurs you got a female. I don't see any on your pics but could be to young to still tell. I believe so far you have a female!
I could clearly see the spurs on my male Veiled @ 8-10 weeks iirc, that chameleon looks older than mine did at that age imo, mine did not even hardly have a casque development.
You should be able to see obvious protruding spurs from the heel of a male veildes from the time they get out of the egg... If you are wondering if what you see on the heel of your cham is a spur or not... It is most likely a female.Spurs are very obvious when you look for them.
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