Confused!! Handle or not to handle your cham?


New Member
I will be getting my veiled cham hopefully this week still not for sure from who yet (any suggestions on a good Veiled breeder with babies available now) I have a few places or breeders to choose from. But my main reason for this post is should I or shouldn't I handle my veiled? I'm a little confused because seems like some of the post have said no and some have been ones where they like to be held or by their owners not strangers etc.... So what are all of your opinions?

It depends solely on the chameleon.

I suggest looking at the site sponsors.

Perfectly said.

My Males have no issues being held.
My older female used to stress a bit if she was handled, but now is more comfortable with it.
My younger female will kill you before she lets you handle her, and no, I'm really not kidding here. She's crazy defensive, so she's only ever handled to get her weights once monthly.
I too think it depends on the cham's personality. I don't think chams 'like' to be handled, I think some just tolerate it more. I have a veiled adult that tolerates me... he doesn't always like to come out of his cage, but when he is out he isn't snappy or aggressive in any way. I have another adult veiled that wants to kill me in my sleep.... I don't even try to handle him because he'll just want to bite.

I don't think handling the cham more or less makes them tolerate it more or less. The aggressive veiled I have has always been this way since he started hitting 14 months of age. The gentle one, has always been gentle. I didn't handle one or the other more or less.
I think you have to assume he will not appreciate being handled. I do think that they become accustomed to people (they "recognize" you, as another thread mentions) and if he is sufficiently used to having you around, having you handle him, then he'll probably tolerate it.

Tolerate does not equal "appreciate".

My long haired Chihuahua tolerates being clipped, she, in no way, appreciates it.

Some chameleons may go past "tolerate" to "appreciate". You'll just have to judge yourself.
I say generally no more than once a week unless the chameleon chooses to walk onto your hand while it's at the front of the cage. Of course, sun and free range time might be an exception.
I have a female jackson that would walk/climb onto my hand everyday. She doesn't change color or anything as long as I dont move too fast or too much she is fine. Seem like she want's to climb onto me. I dont give her any free range at all she spend all the time in the cage. I also have a male jackson, he doesn't walk or climb on me but he does let me touch him.
I think it depends on the chameleon being a chameleon. Dont handle it unless need be. It is an animal that doesnt need or want to be handled. This is why I love chameleons. They are not like dogs. They dont need affection.
Tolerate does not equal "appreciate".

Perfectly stated!

I think it depends on the chameleon being a chameleon. Dont handle it unless need be. It is an animal that doesnt need or want to be handled. This is why I love chameleons. They are not like dogs. They dont need affection.

Also perfectly stated.

I also think people think they are being "friendly" when all that is really happening is their desire for food or escape overrides their fear. That is why they "readily come out".
I dont understand why there cannot be something called a "friendly" chameleon! Mine is so cool about being handled and he lets me mess around in his cage with his dripper, cleaning etc and does not even bother him. Mine is on the screen door all the time waiting to come out. When I am on the computer(I have it right next to it), he will actually come and lay over by the side I am on and watch me. He never hides! I will admit though and I agree that he probably has figured out by now that an open door means time to come out to my patio for free range time!
I also think people think they are being "friendly" when all that is really happening is their desire for food or escape overrides their fear. That is why they "readily come out".

Normally this is true.
My panther Splat on the other hand views me as his personal taxi and has been known to bang his hands on the cage to beg me to let him out.
He still hates me to take him out. But if I let him come out on his own, he will gladly except a taxi ride to his free range.

My adult quad male Quadzilla seemed to learn this trick from Splat and begged to come out of his cage yesterday in the same way.
He at least ran onto my hand so I can bring him to his free need to wait for him to come out on his own like Splat.

Once out I don't really handle them at all.
They get to run free in my living room instead.

Normally this is true.
My panther Splat on the other hand views me as his personal taxi and has been known to bang his hands on the cage to beg me to let him out.
He still hates me to take him out. But if I let him come out on his own, he will gladly except a taxi ride to his free range.

My adult quad male Quadzilla seemed to learn this trick from Splat and begged to come out of his cage yesterday in the same way.
He at least ran onto my hand so I can bring him to his free need to wait for him to come out on his own like Splat.

Once out I don't really handle them at all.
They get to run free in my living room instead.


You are a big friendly transportable tree Harry! How does it feel to be used? :)
Thank you everyone for your comments! This helps alot. I want whatever is best for the Cham so thank you for the information! I can't wait to get my vieled and cage setup to share photos with everyone!
You are a big friendly transportable tree Harry! How does it feel to be used? :)

Like I've said, it feels like I'm a walking taxi. :)
Yet I don't mind at all. They are just too cute to sweat the small stuff.

Now if someone would have warned me that I'd have more bugs in my home then there is

I handled my babies right from the the bins and changing the paper towels and so forth. They loved it and wanted to come out of the bins all the time.....I'll post some videos below for you of them reaching for me to get them out. If you buy from a breeded they probably haven't taken the time to spend any time with the babies like I did so yours may not be as friendly. My adult veileds (Luie & Camille) have total free range in my home and are both friendly. You hear people on here talk about their cham wanting to come out of the cage, well mine reach and grab for me any time I walk by their trees to come off the tree an ride around on my hand, arm or shoulder. I think it all depends on how you treat you chameleon. If you treat it with love and respect and don't keep it caged all the time they will be friendly.
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My personal belief is that a chameleon that tolerates you, that is comfortable with you completely and even enjoys interaction (be it because of food or a free ride on your shoulder, the reason doesn't matter), is a happier chameleon. I've said it a dozen times, but I think that a cham that is terrified of you, like my little Cobalt, suffers because of it because regardless of whether I handle him or not he is stressed by the mere sight of me. Where as little Charlotte (one of the babies in Jannb's videos) claws at the cage door to be let out and then runs up my arm. She is completely comfortable with me, and so she will rarely be stressed by me or anything I do.

If you're lucky to get a baby that isn't immediately scared of you, then by all means, try to nurture that relationship. Hand feed him to gain your trust, and try to lure him onto your hand. See if you can create and maintain a trust. But sadly, most chameleons are naturally stressed out by you, and will probably never tolerate you. Out of my 4, only 2 tolerate me.
I have another adult veiled that wants to kill me in my sleep....

LOL!!! This is so funny and so true!!! If I glance over at my Panther, he is always looking at me plotting my death! I free range him, but hide anything that can be used as a weapon :D
Like what people have said it depends on the chameleon. Some wont even let you have your hand in there cage others will. Mine is very friendly, she's a sweet heart, she walks on my hand no problem. My chameleons brother who some1 else has wont even let you near his cage before he starts hissing. Hope you get a friendly 1.
I saw that you are still not sure where you are getting your veileds from. Contact Cindy at this website. I used to buy all my chams from her about 10 years ago. She always had the nicest and healthiest veileds when I lived in the Chicago area. The website has what shows you can catch her at.
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