Considering breeding my feeders but..


I have poured hours into research on breeding silkworms, dubias, and crickets and I'm weighing all their pros and cons. I've come to the conclusion that I want to breed silkies, dubias, and buy my crickets. Question on the dubias: The colonies absolutely explode. I'm gonna be getting my little guy here soon hopefully as a baby or juvenile (veiled) and I know the little dude won't eat THAT much. Should I hold off on my colony..? Any suggestions?
I recommend getting the Dubia colony started now. It'll be one less thing you have to worry about once your a Chameleon arrives. Plus, you won't have to wait for the colony to get established before you can start feeding from it. They'll likely already be reproducing at a rate capable of sustaining your Chameleon when he/she arrives.

Just my $0.02.
Your colony will only explode if you let it, start with a small colony now and you should be fine. If you start noticing a surplus of roaches back the temps down a few degrees and that will slow production.
Plus you can always sell your dubia over population. There are tons of people who don't want to raise their own dubia and will buy them from you. Also baby chams/juveniles eat a lot! Up to 16-20 medium-adult crickets a day. Not to mention worms added to that, my panther boy would eat 20 adult crickets a day with about 4-5 worms added to it.
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