Cooper Soaking His Hands


Chameleon Enthusiast
Cooper is such a good boy and doesn't mind soaking his feet at all. Cooper has sores on the bottom of his hands. My vet says these are very common in parsons because of the weight and their feet rubbing on the branches. We provide Cooper with all size branches including some very large ones and this still happened. We are soaking in Epsom salt and then applying a honey bandage once a day. He is also on an oral antibiotic. I'm trying my best to get Cooper on the mend.

He's a handsome boy Jann. I hope you figure out how to help him. Would wrapping cloth or something like pipe insulation around the branches help provide some cushion while his feet heal?
Hi Jann, that's a big problem with falcons, actually the #1 cause of death of falcons in captivity. Have you tried smaller branches?
thats very interesting. I'll have to keep that in mind for when mine gets older. I hope he gets better soon
Cooper is such a good boy and doesn't mind soaking his feet at all. Cooper has sores on the bottom of his hands. My vet says these are very common in parsons because of the weight and their feet rubbing on the branches. We provide Cooper with all size branches including some very large ones and this still happened. We are soaking in Epsom salt and then applying a honey bandage once a day. He is also on an oral antibiotic. I'm trying my best to get Cooper on the mend.

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Poor baby! He looks so sad....
Hope he's better soon, Jann
Poor Cooper. I hope his feet feel better soon. I wonder if you twisted some of the flexible vines together, if it would be easier on his feet. I'm sure you probably already tried something like that, already, just thinking out loud. :)
Jann, what about those soft, fake vines from either fluckers or exo terra? I know they have two sizes, and the large ins't really big, perhaps they might help. I started using them after I had a few of the natural branches break pretty fast on me for my guys. Unless there is something wrong with those vines I don't know about.
My panther Leo had this a couple years ago. My vet called it "bumble foot". I applied some vaseline to his feet (daily) and it went away. I'm sure that what you're doing is great too of course. Hope he gets better soon!
Poor Cooper. I hope he gets better real soon!

Thank you Trace. We are working really hard to get Cooper's hands well. If we are not successful then he will have to have the infected area removed with the laser and then stitched up. It will make him not be able to open his hands as wide anymore and I'm so afraid it might be hard to get this to heal also. So please keep him in your thoughts.
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