Dracaena fragrans is a tropical plant often used in homes and offices. Known as the 'corn plant', this plant is commonly used by chameleon keepers. Its distinct leaf shapes and tropical look can truely add visual appeal to a chameleon's enclosure. This plant is similar to its cousin: Dracaena deremensis.
Light and Heat
Dracaena will do best in bright indirect light, but have been known to adapt well to indoor uses (2/3). This plant does best between 60F and 80F.
Water and Humidity
Being a tropical plant, Dracaena will do best under higher humidity levels. If humidity in the home or chameleon enclosure is low, occasional misting can help. Water requirements for this plant are average to high. Do not let the plant dry out completely; water the plant when the topsoil is dry (3/3).
Toxicity and Irritants
This plant is safe to use with chameleons (3/3).