couple newborn jackson questions


New Member
I read on a website that newborn jacksons are supposed to be in a screencage. But how do you keep the pinheads and fruitflies from escapeding? I have them in a aquarium right now, and there about 4 days old now. I keep reading different things on how to take care of them. But what is really general way of keeping them? I also read that you can keep the jacksons together for about two months. But in another website says to house them individualy after they are a day old. I simply dont have 8 cages to keep them nor the money. Can anyone please give me suggestions, all these different facts is confusing me!!:confused!:confused:
From what Ive been told and what Ive read, the small aquariums and glass tanks are fine for babies up to a couple or 3 months of age.. They are good for keeping in humidity and easily finding food . Learning to hunt and so on... I have mine in a 12x12x18 exo terra, actually have 2 side by side with 1 24inch light going across the two of them... so whatever is gonna work for you and your babies... by the way I sent you a PM. hope all goes well for your little ones..
I read on a website that newborn jacksons are supposed to be in a screencage. But how do you keep the pinheads and fruitflies from escapeding? I have them in a aquarium right now, and there about 4 days old now. I keep reading different things on how to take care of them. But what is really general way of keeping them? I also read that you can keep the jacksons together for about two months. But in another website says to house them individualy after they are a day old. I simply dont have 8 cages to keep them nor the money. Can anyone please give me suggestions, all these different facts is confusing me!!:confused!:confused:

well bro i got 34 new born jacksons 2 batches from 2 differnt females born 4 days apart!..the new borns will also eat xs crikets or super small..i noticed with them ones they cant squeeze thru the screen.cause i would prefer screen cages no matter wut the age. and as for the humidity..a small plant in the cage with frequent mistings does the job .ive been breeding jacksons for 6yrs and i can tell you from expierance this works best..yea bro i just hate wen them little pin heads used to escape thru the was a mess..good luck bro
I too raised mine in screen cages. The bigger fruit flies do not get out of them, but those tiny ones can (lol sorry I can not remember the names on the types of fruit flies!) I also had a bowl in there cage with small pheonix worms too. They LOVE THOSE!
I just got done raising baby jacksons my self…

I used a medium size exo tarra cage. They have a little vent strip in the front great for letting a little fresh air in.

They are fine to house together for 3 months. They will start to get territorial, the males especially. They will start to get bright green and twitch their heads or bodies back and forth, showing signs of dominance. This is when I separated mine (real close to 3 and a half 4 months).

If you are going to keep using the glass aquarium I would try to get fresh air in it a few times a day. If you don’t they will have a great chance of getting respiratory infections, from the stale air… I cleaned my cage every day (just soke up water and clean poo) helps with the stale air. I have also read if you just separate the smaller chams from the bigger chams they will do better.

Also, you are going to want to make sure the environment stays in the low 80’s, and that they are drinking. (Keep in mind; it is very easy for a baby cham to drown.)Most everything I read said to mist 3 times a day, I always misted more than that, simply because I had to too keep humidity up there, and because they drank every time I misted.

The bigger fruit flies that they are talking about are D. Hydei i do believe.

Hopefully this info will help you out, there is a lot of info out there you just have to take the best of it and compile it to make the best home for your buddies.

If you have any questions feel free to pm me

Keep in mind jackson have a 20% success rate in the wild. I had 50% success, but i do know of people that have had success in the 90%

Good luck

there are also some other species, but I don't know if they are available in America. Buzzatii, muelleri and some mutant species.

Best regards
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