Craniifer x Giganteous Hybrid roaches.


New Member
Ok, so I have always thought dubia were the most efficient breeders, but, being that my F.Pardalis eats strictly roaches, grasshoppers, and phasmids, and I dont always have access to grasshoppers and phasmids, I have been forced to try many different roach species to have a constant supply, being that it does take time to start a colony. Apparantly these roaches are extremely efficient breeders and breed even faster than b.dubia, if anyone has experience with these please share your findings. I bought 10 adults for a small starter colony to see how things go.

they arent hybrids between craniifer and giganteus

actually they are something else. people who were importing from Europe trying to get cheap craniifer ended up getting them. When they saw they did not look like craniifer they started selling them as light phase death heads. Giganteus are much slower growing than death heads and hybridization between the two is not likely by any means. They do breed fast but I have not noticed them to be the fasted breeders. Also I wasnt aware of anyone having them in Florida legally. There are other large species that also breed fast. But I have not heard of anyone who can verify that they are indeed hybroids between the two species mentioned nor have I heard of anyone who claims to have actually crossed the two species. people who rifginally got them because they keep roache as pets got rid of them and then people started breeding them as feeders. For that purpose they are good.

Digby Rigby _______________________
As far as fast breeders

If fast breeding is a priority then the Blatta lateralis are excellent. They drop egg cases in two weeks sometimes less and the egg cases can hatch in two weeks or less and have 20 or even more nymphs.

Digby Rigby _______________________
I have 4 adult male and 16 adult female discoids and I get atleast 70 nymphs a week from them, probably more like a hundred. They have bred fairly faster than dubia for me and even though they get too big for the average panther when they freshly molt into adulthood any of my adults can easily gulp one down. They are the equivalent of 1 1/2 - 2 adult dubias when they are adult. They seem to grow slower than the dubia nymphs though. turkistan roaches do however breed the fastest out of any of the roaches I have though. They are just not well liked by my adult panthers because they are a little on the small side just like crickets.
Someone I can relate to :p my panther only eats roaches (for the most part) and only eats larger species, like dubia, craniifer, etc. sometimes he'll eat lobsters. ill have to try some discoids!
If fast breeding is a priority then the Blatta lateralis are excellent. They drop egg cases in two weeks sometimes less and the egg cases can hatch in two weeks or less and have 20 or even more nymphs.

agreed. my Turkistan breed at leat three-4 times as fast as my dubia and 5-6 times faster than the hissers (these are my guesstimates, not a scientific study of breeding). My panthers prefer the Turks, I believe this is because they move more. But Turks are smaller when full grown than a full size dubia, and way smaller than full sized hissers.
Yeah the discoids seem to breed like crazy for me. The adult female get too big for most panthers, except my two giant males who eat them easily. I just cut them in half before feeding adult female off to anyone else as most of my chams are hand fed. The adult males however are perfect size for adult female and male panthers. But like i said the nymphs grow fairly slow but you get a ton of them. I remove all the nymphs from my bin with the 20 adults in it and put them in a separate bin, I probably have over a thousand random sized nymphs and I feed of plenty of them every week. If I ever notice the nymphs seem smaller than usual I feed mainly my silkworms for the next couple weeks with only a few discoids. I feed off plenty of adult dubia and always seem to have to restock them as I have one female that will not eat discoids at all and loves the dubia. She will eat adult dubia female and male without a problem. Two of my adult male ambilobe are ridiculous to feed. I have to have at least 5-6 different kinds of feeders on hand for them because on any day they only want one type of feeder that day and if I don't have it they wont eat. They are so picky unlike the rest of my panthers.
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