crap pics of the setups in thier new room

i see guessing the uvb bulb is just barley too long to be mounted on the dang..ive had to deal with stuff like could use door handle drill make two holes on the sides and slide the light in over the tops of them..

if its your furniture..and you dont mind drilling some
It's a 'Calathea' Harry.

I didn't think that the UV would reach the juvenile female veiled so decided to run it down the side (male in exoterra, female in zoomed) , would it damage in any way the chameleon's eyes looking directly in to the UV :confused:
Why are there 3 numbers in the count? I thought it was always like 0.1 or 1.0 (for male/female?)
Why are there 3 numbers in the count? I thought it was always like 0.1 or 1.0 (for male/female?)

male.female.unsexed :)

i think you should put something under that shorter cage to even it out with the other one and mout the fluorescent across the top. just a suggestion! i like the cabinet/shelf thing though. where are the chams?
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