crazy veiled

my veiled has been acting strange lately. he has been climbing from the top and bottom of his cage all day. back and forth back and forth. another thing his colour is much brighter when sleeping. is he stressed?
Is he in a new cage? They are always brighter when sleeping-they almost glow-that is normal. How old is your cham and what kind of cage setup, lighting, etc. do you have?
my veiled has been acting strange lately. he has been climbing from the top and bottom of his cage all day. back and forth back and forth. another thing his colour is much brighter when sleeping. is he stressed?

How old is he? This is a behavior our veiled had when he reached sexual maturity. Just a possibility.
yea he is about a year old.24x18x32 cage. 100 watt repti sun bulb i take good care of him. water twice a day. 5-8 crickets with rotated supplementts
This seems to be the theme with juvi male veiled's lately. My male is doing that plus some. Good luck with him. I doubled the size of my males cage today and I am hoping that helps. So far he has just paced on the top part but not quite as bad- he is still trying to figure out what happened. These boys can keep us on our toes thats for sure.
Good luck.
my male veiled is nearly a year old and he's doing the same thing.

Even more so, I leave his cage open, so he can climb out. Tuesday I took the day off work and he roamed in and out of his cagea bout 12 - 15 times.

My joke to my wife is that he's looking for a female in all the same places.

"Nope, still no female here!"
My veiled just figured out how to get to the top of his cage two days ago. And let me tell you, the way its designed, its not an easy task. But there he was, crawling along the top upside down. Green as could be! I'd have left him except I had to go to work and I didn't want to risk him falling.

Of course now that he's figured out how to do it, I'm sure I'll find him up there again! :)
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