cricket/dubia enclosures..


Avid Member
hey all,,

i did some searching but didn't really find many pics/step by step info.. i'm quite the "visual" person so pics help me out ALOT!!!!!!

i woulsd like to have everything ready for the upcoming arrival of me 2.5-3 month old Veiled chameleon...
i would LOVE to see some pics of your feeder keepers or links to keeper threads and "how you maintain it".. ;) i'm sure there's more to it than just dumping them into a plastic bin....

i really want to have everything ready before his arrival and put together how to always have a food source available for him...

thanks a lot,, lisa
does most everybody keep their feeder inside? can they not be kept in the garage or outside????
It depends on the temp, you don't want to cook them in the garage in the summer and you don't want to freeze them in the winter. I've always kept my inside.
It depends on the temp, you don't want to cook them in the garage in the summer and you don't want to freeze them in the winter. I've always kept my inside.

what if you kept them outside in the summer (well shaded of course) then moved them into the garage in the winter months??? my garage is well insulated it stays about 40-50ish degrees during the cold months...
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