Cricket dusting for upper Midwest


New Member
I have a 12 month old panther chameleon and have been on this cricket dusting schedule of:

Repcal Herpvite Multi - Mondays and Tuesdays
RepCal Phosphorus free calcium w/VIT.D - Tuesdays and Fridays
Minerall (outdoors) - Wednesdays and Saturdays
No Sunday dustings

The breeder who I purchase him from has now told me to switch this as so not to include too much D3 by dusting daily with the RepCal calcium without D3 and only every couple of weeks with the others. Does anyone in the Upper midwest have a summer/winter dusting schedule that really works well?
Your location has little to nothing to do with your schedule. If you have the proper lighting D3 should only be given once or maybe twice a month as just an added precaution that he is getting enough.

Also you might want to slow down on the Herpivite. Again most only dose one to two times a month.

Dust daily with non phosphorus and non D3 calcium. But if you use feeders like silks that are high in Calcium and low on Phosphorus you can all but skip the calcium dustings.
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