cricket eggs.....


Avid Member
anybody got pics of cricket eggs?
i cleaned out my cricket bin and there were a lot of what looked like egg casings stuck to the bottom of the bin,, they looked like very small grains of brown rice...
if i had left them alone would they have hatched?
thanks ,,, lisa
Sound like fly cases, I get those too! Cricket eggs are usually deposited in soil etc, never seen them and the female's ovipositor is thin like a sewing needle, so they must be small.
Yeah that's crickets eggs alright. they do look like tiny grains of rice. Smaller of course. If they dry out they will not hatch. Most likely if they were on the bottom of the bin and dry then they would not of hatched. Just leave a container of dirt in your bin and they will lay eggs. Just keep the organic dirt moist and between 80 to 90 and they will hatch in about a week.

Here is what they look like
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