Cricket feed...


New Member
I was wondering what anyone thought about Fluker's cricket feed? I see it everywhere andI was wondering if this was a decent thing to gutload with. Thankyou!
I started using it because it was cheaper than the Zilla gut load that I was using, but I also give my crickets fruits and veggies in addition to that.
Tiki Tiki has cricket crack you can order online...... Not trying to hijack the thread or anything but has anyone ever used it? and how has it worked?
cricket crack is excellent! Swiss can get ya some too! I highly recommend it! (along with fresh fruits ands veggies)
I make my own very simple dry gutload and I usually put some fluckers in there as a base for the mix but if you can get the cricket crack I would. I just got some other things and mixed them with the fluckers to improve on it a little but thats less than half the gutload I offer id stick to fruits and veggies. Theres nothing better than the real thing :)
Fluker's is just chicken feed. You are way better off making your own or getting Cricket Crack (which is the best).
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