Cricket feeding


New Member
Any advice on how to get chameleon back on crickets. I have a female panther chameleon approx 9 months old that will only eat worms! It's driving me nuts. She went from eating crickets every day with a superworm once or twice a week to now refusing crickets (looks interested but never goes for them). She went about a week without eating and finally gave in to the crickets and ate about 5 medium. We on about day 3 again of no eating. But if she sees a worm. She goes crazy for them. I want to make sure she is getting proper nutrients. I even tried the dubian (sp?) Roaches and she wasn't interested in those either. Any advice?
feeder cup without a screen in it and a sphere bottom so they all gather together, then add trail mix of feeders. Thats how i introduce dubia, you just hope for "misses".
I would give it a few days or a week without offering her anything and then throw in a cricket and let her free range it. This is how my chameleon got back onto crickets and eventually dubia's after refusing them for months.
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