Cricket Help


New Member
I still have a question I need to know what can I naturally gutload my crickets with other than store bought food what are the restrictions such as pestisides

Also how do yall keep yalls crickets

and what are some tippers and making live longer (at least until your cham gets them:D)
I kinda had the same problem when i first started to keep Trixxi (they-crickets-either died or looked crappy!)i think the secret is to keep everything CLEAN....the night before i feed her i take out what i need eg:4 crickets 2 locusts and put them in a clean tub with an egg box grated carrot,apple or melon...leave them eat until they are stuffed and feed them of the next day!
I make a huge batch of cricket feed so this might not help you but you can get all of the stuff in smaller quantities. Here it is-

50#bag of organic chicken feed (not chick starter)
3#'s of fish food-I use hikari koi food
dehydrated kale- about 3 bundles
some dried kelp/seaweed
couple sprinkles of calcium and vitamin dust
bee pollen

On the chicken feed get layer feed and if you cant get organic feed make sure that there are no growth hormones in it. I also dehydrate my own kale to provide Vitamin A. At low dehydration temps kale keeps its vitamin A content so dont dehydrate over 110 degree.

I mix this all together and use this as a food will adding water gel and tons of assorted veggies and fruits. This feed works for all stages of crickets. I breed my own crickets and this is what I am using and it has worked for a very long time. Hope this helps.
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