cricket legs die

why is it that crickets hind legs go paralyzed

Has to do with molting. Hind legs are most common area of deformity, if troubles occur while shedding and molting to new body. May want to change your crickets diet. Too wet or low, humidity may play factor as well.
Egg crates provide a place for the crickets to latch onto while molting, a good place to latch onto equals cleaner molts.
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Has to do with molting. Hind legs are most common area of deformity, if troubles occur while shedding and molting to new body. May want to change your crickets diet. Too wet or low, humidity may play factor as well.
Egg crates provide a place for the crickets to latch onto while molting, a good place to latch onto equals cleaner molts.

as if you quoted....
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