cricket size


New Member
I feed my 3 young chamis 1/2" and my adult the 3/4". However, Arnold isn't too fond of the big tough ones. Sometimes they get to be 1". My question is, can I give him the 1/2" if I supplement with some wax worms? Will he decide he only wants wax worms? He likes the super worms too much so I am not going to give him any more of those. I am on my way to the rep store, so if anyone has a quick answer I would appreciate it.
I've heard wax worms are addicting. More addicting than the superworms.

Soooo... if he's already addicted to superworms, I wouldn't give him waxworms but it's up to you..

Here's a nutritional guide for you..

I can't find the other beardie website where it shows feeder & veggie nutritional info.

Anywayz, you can always give him a couple of waxworms as a treat, just not make it a habit or you'll have to send him to a rehab center :D
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