Cricket woes :( help plz


New Member
hi everyone. So im having some problems with crickets. Im out here in southern California but it has been a bit chilly lately. anyways, I bought 500 crickets about 3-4 weeks ago and I have had tons of die offs. I keep my crickets by 100-150 in big plasctic tubs where I have punched many screw driver holes in the top.

I usually feed about 24 crickets day to my chameleons and I usually throw out about that many if not more.

I have them out in my garage and it has been a bit cold at nights so im wondering if its the lack of warmth that's causing the die off. There is always fresh veggies in their bins and plenty of water crystals.

So I guess my main question is, can cold kill these feeders of mine? or might be something else im not doing?
I have plenty of egg crates in there so room is not a problem.

any help would be appreciated.

thanks :D
Cold can kill. Especially last couple of nights here, have been cool. You might want to add a light blub at night for heat. You'll see the crickets huddle around the heat. I have also used electric blanket under a glass tank in winter to keep them and roaches warm.
cool thanks for the quick reply, I figured it was a heat issue. I don't really have a setup for lights in my garage. but im gonna have to figure something out tho..

thanks again.
I use heat tape under my totes and insulation around the tote. I did very good this winter, even with temps in my garage getting down to the 30s.

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