Crickets Ignoring Gutload?


New Member
Has anyone had this problem? I am using for my gutload:

Apple, Yam, Carrot, Swiss chard, Spirulina power, Bee pollen, Dulse, and Cricket Crack.

For the most part, the crix are eating the dry ingredients and ignoring the fruits and veggies. Is this normal? Does this present a problem for the nutrients Andrew is getting?

Thanks a bunch.

I have never used cricket crack but I have heard crickets go cray for it. why don't you alternate the fresh with the crack and then they will probably will eat what is presented to them if they don't have a choice. I never had a problem with them eating the fresh fruits and veggies.
Try blending the wet stuff together. They seem more likely to eat the 'gross' high calcium veggies if they are blended with some fruit! You could also blend in the cricket crack if you wanted to. It would make it a little thick though, so adding some juice with no additives and what not might be in order.
try using your wet food as their only water source, then Ill bet theyll eat it as well. Only do this to the crickets that will be fed 24 to 48 hrs. prior and seperate the feeders from your bulk supply of crickets. Right now Im just experimenting with this, but what other choice do the crickets have but to get the water from the gutload food that they eat right before feeding time. Again they should for sure be left seperate from your bulk supply. see what happens and let me know, because i was using a limitless supply of water with the ones about to be fed and thats all they did was eat the dry and drink, so force them to get the moisture that they so desperately need from the premium food that you provide them. Good luck!
i was only offering wet food and just introduced some dry foods to see what happens. they seem to flock to the dry for some reason. ill just start offering both
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