crickets shipping crisis.


New Member
okay...there seems to be a cricket crisis going on. That or the temps and shipping methods are not in sync.

Sorry, I am a titch annoyed by purchase of crickets that were to be shipped over night but ALL arrived deceased. I understand high temps can play a part but charges of overnight delivery with no guarantees is frustrating.

Please, I do have other feeders I can use currently but even they will come to short supply. So......What can suppliers deliver NOW before greater crisis's occur?

I want LIVE feeders. And I am sure others do too. What can be done, or what can be shipped now?
I know I'm not supposed to mention anyone but our sponsors (sorry in advance) but I just ordered 1000 crickets from and they shipped overnight and all were in great problems there.
What size crickets ? Ghann just canceled my order saying they were out (just this past Monday)
They were bonifide pins. Packaging was very professional in appearance so I have no idea what happened. They did put in a clause of no live guarantee and I did enter the purchase agreement -- but FedEx overnight should have yielded some live, it was just disappointing.

At this point I feel I need to state that I am not calling anyone out. I would like to make it quite clear that I support and appreciate our sponsors. I also feel that it would be helpful to hear what is currently shipping well and consider how temp controls during shipment might benifit all. Purchasing feeders on line has become quite risky and expensive. I can purchase some feeders at the local store but if I want variety and/or quantity I need to feel confident that they will arrive live or have some means of recovery.
Well I just purchased some cricekts from and they all came in perfect.

Just i ordered 1/8" and they put a little blue cube of food in and it crushed a good amount

But I mean it still looked as though i got close to or exactly 1000 crickets
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