croton petras safe?


New Member
i couldnt find them in the safe to use list but i have read of others using this plant! it was to cool not to get for my new free range! anyone know if they are poisonous? thank you!
They are toxic if eaten, so that's mainly a problem for Veileds. However, if you let feeders run loose around the cage, they might eat the croton, the chameleon will eat the crickets and can be harmed. I could be wrong but this is true for geckos and I'm pretty sure for chams too.
Good to know! I have a Jax. He's not a plant nibbler, so I don't worry about it too much.
croton slander

They are toxic if eaten, so that's mainly a problem for Veileds. ...

No so; the ornamental houseplant "croton" is Codiaeum variegatum, and is edible and non-toxic for mammals. There is great confusion, as there a genus of related plants truly named Croton which contains some toxic plants. I can find no cases in the literature for poisoning with Codiaeum.

If you travel in Indonesia you may be treated to a salad of "croton" leaves, and it is very refreshing. I have eaten this several times.

A word of caution though, greenhouse-grown "crotons" are usually treated with strong fungicides, which would be a concern for me.

There is really nothing that succulents have in common, except water-storing leaves and stems; there are thousands of succulents, and each would need to be evaluated. In a general way, I would say no, not worth experimenting with in the chameleon cage.
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