Cup Feeding/Other Feeders Questions


Hello all!

I have a five month old female veiled and right now her diet is crickets and supplements. I was previously just going to the store every day for her daily crickets but that got old fast. One, gas money, and two, they don’t feed their crickets very well. So I have started just buying a bunch of crickets at a time and gutloading them myself and going from there. Well, we recently added a lot more foliage to the enclosure and I can’t really tell if Charlie is finding and eating the crickets because I don’t just sit there and watch her. So I’m interested in cup feeding. Does this work with crickets? Won’t they just crawl out? Also, what kinds of cups do you guys use for this? I looked into getting her superworms because I read those are another good feeder option for her, but the only ones I found at the store were way too big. I also heard they’ll latch onto her and possibly cause damage. Can anyone provide some thoughts/advice on all this? I know some Chams like Dubia roaches, but my family isn’t too keen on having those around...
If you dont have a misting system, i would get a plastic container and just put it at the bottom of the cage, as long as its 2" tall the bugs wont get out. The container can be any size, but it cant be clear or the cham will try to eat through the sides.

You might want to look into buying 500-1000 crickets at a time through the mail, its less than $30.

No supers are not death machines, infact crickets are more holstle. You could get some meal worms, since they are alot smaller than supers.
Mealworms can cause impaction, though. They should not be used as a staple in your chameleon's diet. Dubia roaches are actually easier than crickets considering the fact that they don't make any noise, are not smelly when kept in the correct conditions, and they definitely don't escape as easily as crickets do. They wouldn't nibble on your cham in its sleep like crickets might. Just my input.
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