Custom cricket enclosure!


New Member
So i through this together in like 20 mins in my garage, what do you think? Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated!!


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I too would add more stuff for them to hide in but you should be able to keep a lot in there! They're going to need more ventilation though or they'll start dying from high humidity, and they will stink if they're that enclosed. I would cut out one of the sides or the top and hot glue screen over the hole and that will help tremendously.
THAT EGG CRATE LOOKS LIKE STYROFOAM. The crix will chew it and pass it to your cham so dispose immediately.
THAT EGG CRATE LOOKS LIKE STYROFOAM. The crix will chew it and pass it to your cham so dispose immediately.
I totally missed that when I saw that image the other day, good catch.

Paper towel and toilet paper rolls (all my friends and family save them for me) or even just folded card board work good if you don't have access to paper egg crates.
i would get rid of the orange cubes i heard they are bad. i was told to feed only fresh veggies and fruits. definitely more egg cartons. I also buy the reptibark chips and put them in there. helps absorb moisture and eliminates all the cricket poop on the bottom. makes it easier to clean, just replace the bark chips every now and then
I too would add more stuff for them to hide in but you should be able to keep a lot in there! They're going to need more ventilation though or they'll start dying from high humidity, and they will stink if they're that enclosed. I would cut out one of the sides or the top and hot glue screen over the hole and that will help tremendously.

i have the entire top screen on mine, and they still die fast and stink horrid.
i drilled holes in the sides and screened 75% of the top and remove any dead ones daily. smell its that bad at all i usually keep 100 at at time. get the reptibark
i have the entire top screen on mine, and they still die fast and stink horrid.

I have two sides and the top screened so there's good airflow through one side and out the other. I think that's better because you have air moving from top to bottom. Maybe you should try a different cricket vendor if they all keep dying.
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