D3 everyday?

i have a 8 month old female veiled chameleon. I only have calcium with d3 right now and I dust the crickets with them almost everyday, but I heard you're only suppose to dust with d3 twice a month. What will happen to a chameleon if it's given d3 everyday?
If you have a UVB bulb like you should, for a veiled, the supplement schedule should go; 1. Plain Calicium every feeding
2. D3 twice a month.
3. Multivitamin twice a month.
The D3 and multivitamin should be alternated each weak. To much D3 can cause interference with their body's processing the actual Calicium in their bodies. Which can eventual in time lead to MBD and other issues.
Calcium with d3 can be harmful. So far, I've only been giving mine without and she seems perfectly healthy with that. I also give her a multivitamin (without d3).
Calcium with d3 can be harmful. So far, I've only been giving mine without and she seems perfectly healthy with that. I also give her a multivitamin (without d3).
She still needs D3. The only time I don't give D3 is when I have them outside for the summer because I know they are getting adequate uvb from the sun to produce their own D3. D3 is essential to process calcium. Too much D3, given everyday, builds up in their system and becomes toxic. It's fat soluble and excess isn't easily removed from their system.
i have a 8 month old female veiled chameleon. I only have calcium with d3 right now and I dust the crickets with them almost everyday, but I heard you're only suppose to dust with d3 twice a month. What will happen to a chameleon if it's given d3 everyday?
This is a link to the info of what you need to do. People that do not follow it, usually have bad results. [dead chams]. It's easy to read and easy to follow. Cheers!


damn i was shock REX was doin exactly same thing during misting session .. 1st time i saw this serrated thingy..lasted for few seconds then it went back inside...hmmm..... (not my video)
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