So, I've been poking around at new feeder options. Where I currently live I'm not aloud any type of roach. I've found some fly and mantis options. What feeders can I feed daily with out harming Pop-Tart? Like I know some feeders are too high in fat and what not.
You can feed silkworms daily as long as you feed with a chitinous insect. Calci-worms/Phoenix Worms/ Black soldier fly larvae are great and so are the flies. Stick insects, crickets of course. Depending where you are locusts or if you are in the US you can catch grasshoppers and raise a colony. Hornworms are a possibility as long as it's only one and the largest you go is medium. Blue bottle flies are great, I've never fed the maggots. Certain mantids are good but the problem with them is they are serious work. Butter worms I would say can be fed every other day, same with super worms. Isopods are a great feeder if you get a healthy colony and the right sized species.