Dandelion greens?


New Member
Does anyone know what vitamins are in dandelion greens. I'm using them for gutload for my crix and roaches. Thanks David
2.8:1 Ca:p ratio, thats all i can tell ya. 2:1 is optimal, those are pretty much right on.

really any kind of real green like those, collards, mustard greens, endive, escarole, chard, etc etc are all good to use for gutload. as long as you're not using glorified water like lettuce or celery you're getting them some good nutrition. here is a chart that might help ya. http://www.guinealynx.com/diet_ratio.html
Dandy Greens

Dandelion greens are dandy greens indeed. Very high calcium to phosphorus ratio and lots of vitamins. I buy bunches of organic ones to feed my iguanas in particular. I feed them to my roach colony too. They would be an excellent choice for crickets. I should be feeding them to my crickets more often.....Bad Catherine :)
Too darned bad they're so relatively expensive in the store.

Boy, I remember the neighbors not being happy when I would refuse to spray the "weeds" back home.
I'm glad to hear it. I have several batches growing in our lot next door. We haven't had any very cold temps here yet but they don't seem to die out in the winter. Don't know for sure since it hasn't got below thirty yet. These are all growing in a good and safe area. I wish I could get my veiled, Taz to eat them directly. He still has shown no interest in eating fruits or veggies yet. He's about six months old now. Thanks David
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