Dead or alive Phoenix!?


New Member
I got my first thing of Phoenix worms just a few days ago and seen alot of blackish brown ones that didn't move and haven't yet. Some whitish ones don't even move, are they becoming blackish?
I was told they are in "pupation" (however you spell) anyway is that true? If they are can I move them to another small container and place some of the stuff they came in to that small container?

I really don't want to throw out worms that are going to become flies?
If they do become flies, will they be good for a veiled?

No clue?:confused:
The dark ones are beginning to turn into the pupae, the cocoon that a black soldier fly will emerge from. They will turn hard. You'll notice that some of the dark ones are still moving, they are fine to feed to your chameleon. If you warm them up a little (leave them at room temp in the feeding dish) before feeding, they will move around more.
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